Christmas Hamper Appeal – Toy Drive Wishlist

Click here for the Toy Drive Wishlist.

Lighthouse Toys will deliver your donation to Cambridge Sustainable Food for free.

  1. Click on the ‘Basket’ and ‘Proceed to Checkout’.
  2. Entering your own details in the ‘Billing’ section
  3. Tick the box ‘Deliver to a different address?’ and enter the following address:
First nameChristmas
Last nameHamper
Company NameCambridge Sustainable Food
Street AddressBrownsfield YCC
31A Green End Road
Town / CityCambridge
PostcodeCB4 1RU
  1. Check that ‘Free shipping to Cambridge Sustainable Food’ is shown as the shipping method.
  2. Finally choose your payment method and make your payment.

Thank you very much for supporting families in Cambridge this Christmas.