Additional information
Age | 5-7 years, 8-12 years |
Skill | Fine motor skills, Knowledge building, Matching, Visual Skills |
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♡ Add to wishlistBear Grylls Beastly Bugs Activity Book is filled with fun facts, quizzes, word searches, mazes, dot to dot, counting games, 60 stickers and tips from Bear Grylls. Ever wanted to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls? Get ready to get down in the dirt and discover some of the weirdest and most interesting bugs on Earth, from giant spiders to tiny ants. Find out why caterpillars eat so much, discover how assassin bugs kill their prey.
Topics included in Bear Grylls Beastly Bugs Activity Book: What is a bug?; Slugs, Snails and Worms; All Change; Brilliant Beetles; Perfect Patterns; Butterflies and Moths; Ant Antics; Bug Builders; Water World; Bees and Wasps; Bizarre Bugs; Garden Safari; Supreme Hunters and Record Breakers.
How to use the book – each activity has a symbol that tells you what kind of activity it is. Check the symbol, read the activity instructions carefully. Stickers are in the centre of the book and answers at the back. The activities are split into: drawing or writing activity; look closely activity; counting activity and sticker activity.
Educational Benefits of Bear Grylls Beastly Bugs Activity Book:
Age | 5-7 years, 8-12 years |
Skill | Fine motor skills, Knowledge building, Matching, Visual Skills |