Molly and the Mathematical Mystery by Eugenia Cheng


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Molly and the Mathematical Mystery by Eugenia Cheng is an interactive maths adventure with a narrative feel. Join Molly as she ventures into a curious world where nothing is quite as it seems… A trail of clues lead from scene to scene, presenting Molly with a number of challenges. But who is leaving the clues and where will they lead?

Molly and the Mathematical Mystery by Eugenia Cheng is an  interactive mystery that shows maths isn’t just about numbers and sums – its about imagination! An explorative and creative approach to the sometimes daunting topic of maths. There are  flaps and wheels throughout the book. After the adventure the reader is invited to gain more math knowledge and understanding.

  • Written by eminent British-American mathematician Eugenia Cheng, the book explores Key Stage 2 mathematics (age 7 – 11 years) in visual and creative ways. Eugenia is passionate about overcoming maths phobia.
  • Illustrated by Aleksandra Artymowska, illustrator of bestselling Around the World in 80 Puzzles and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: A Puzzle Adventure.
  • Molly sets out to encourage curiosity and creativity in a subject often dismissed as dull and difficult.

Dimensions of hardback: 305 x 248 mm with 30 pages. Word count 4000

Educational Benefits of Molly and the Mathematical Mystery by Eugenia Cheng:

  • encourage curiosity and creativity in math
  • gain math knowledge
  • develop mathematical thinking skills



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8-12 years


Knowledge building, Matching, Memory, Problem solving, Visual Skills